About The Palmetto Press


Our mission is to inform our readers about education news in South Carolina and nationwide through honest and unbiased reporting in order to foster educational awareness and support.

Contact the palmetto press

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Kusuma Buddhiraju

Co-Editor in Chief

Ashley Epperson

Co-Editor in Chief

Teacher's desk staff

Mary Elizabeth Farmer

American Leadership Academy - Lexington

John Huggins

Virtus Academy of South Carolina

Heather McCraw

South Carolina Virtual Charter School

Jennifer Timmerman

South Carolina Connections Academy

Student's desk staff

Ainsley Crowe

Cyber Academy of South Carolina
Senior Editor

Addison Smith

Cyber Academy of South Carolina
Assistant Editor

Jack Stapleton

South Carolina Virtual Charter School
Staffer & Social Media

JT Shorter

Thornwell Charter School

Evan Sternett

Odyssey Online Learning

Graycen Moore

Thornwell Charter School
Social Media

Jazmyn Torres

Cyber Academy of South Carolina
Social Media

Lucas Tejada

Clear Dot Charter School
Social Media